Canadian rapper Drake posted an image of himself tanning on IG under his handle 'Champagnepapi' and the world couldn't control themselves. Combined with the caption 'If what you say is true & not false-if I'm such a know it all-how come I never know wtf you want?' these images created such a buzz that the world had to collectively ask...'wtf is going on?'
Make "Champagnepapi is tanning" memes on Piñata Farms, the lightning fast meme maker and meme generator.
The Piñata Farms meme generator is a fast, easy, free meme maker with thousands of meme templates that you can edit and share. Like every meme generator, it allows you to customize and remix an existing image or video with text, stickers and other fun features.
There’s thousands of templates on the web but if there’s anything you don’t see, there’s more on the video meme generator app, available on both Apple App Store and Google Play Store
Say anything you want with a wide variety of text editing features. Change the font, color, and alignment. Move it easily with just your cursor or your finger
There’re tools to add stickers of whatever and whoever you want. Add face stickers of everyone, from Kim Kardashian to your childhood best friend
Once you’ve started to make memes, get inspiration and recognition from fellow meme makers while they make and post their own memes
And more you will find in