How to Make a Video Meme with Piñata Farms

A blurry version of the hero image. man makes video meme and impresses king

What is a video meme?

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No - it’s a red hot video meme and it’s here to upgrade your tired and recycled image and GIF based meme templates faster than you can say ‘this hits different.’

Video memes are a witty, funny and creative way to communicate with the world in 30 seconds or less. With Piñata Farms, the lightning fast meme maker, making video memes is faster and easier than ever. 

How to make a video meme:

1. Find the perfect video template  🔍

Piñata Farms allows users to easily search through tons of trending and classic video templates for making memes. Users can either make a video meme immediately or save a template for when inspiration hits.

Don’t see the perfect template for your video meme? No drama -  hit “request” to upload your own template from anywhere online—as long as it meets our community guidelines.

2.  Add some big heads and watch your work come together 🤝

Tracking boxes will appear on the template where you can add images or text. 

Simply pick an image and plug it into the video to create your masterpiece. Piñata Farms has thousands of image options—everything from celebrities to cartoon characters and more. 

If you don’t see the perfect image for your meme, then add your own! Personalize your video memes by adding your friends' faces or anything else you want. Simply snap some pictures, pull from social media or your camera roll, and upload them in under 5 seconds. 

3. Show off your work on social media 🤳

Once you’ve created your video meme, double check to make sure everything looks good.  Next, add a caption, hashtags and adjust the privacy setting. If you decide to post publicly,  other PF users can watch, share or remix your work.

As soon as your video meme is published, you can share it on social media or save it to your camera roll for later. If you aren’t ready to publish just yet you can save the content as a draft.

Go viral with video memes 🔥

Video memes are the future of meme virality.  They offer more laughs, explosive punchlines and greater recontextualization than image or GIF memes.  

Additionally, video memes offer the perfect mode of short form entertainment to compete with other online content in an already saturated meme market.  Video memes incorporate sound and movement into your jokes, making the possibilities endless.  Using the Piñata Farms app is the easiest and quickest way to become a viral video meme creator and have your memes stand out from other meme ‘noise.’

Piñata Farms: The Best Video Meme Maker

Piñata Farms makes video meme creation easy and fast. Go viral on our app or share your video meme content to other sites. Use your video memes to boost your following and engage your audience.


Is making memes your dream job? Then guess what? Meme creators can earn up to $3000 on the Piñata Farms app during our Farming Season

If you don’t have the app yet, what are you waiting for?! Download for Apple or Android, and you’re minutes away from creating your very first video meme ❤️ 


What is a video meme?

Just like a regular meme, a video meme takes a combination of cultural references, wit, and humor to make a point. Instead of working with a still image or GIF, a video meme provides context within an entire video.

How do I make a meme with a video?

Make a video meme easily with a meme maker like the Piñata Farms app. Piñata Farms has thousands of video meme templates, plus a giant collection of images. Piñata Farms can help you generate video memes in seconds.

How do you make a creative video meme?

The best video memes are inspired by your life and what you find interesting. If you need ideas, scroll the Piñata Farms feed, look through the trending page, or remix someone else's video meme. Spend some time on our meme editor app, and you’ll be a pro meme generator before you know it!